IGTM presents Consumption Lounge Panel Part 2

IGTM Education in partnership with Cresco created a panel for potential business owners and potential employees to find and create opportunities in the cannabis consumption lounge space. The Illinois cannabis… Continue reading IGTM presents Consumption Lounge Panel Part 2

Transportation Workshop presented by ACC of Illinois in partnership with Cresco

ACC of Illinois in partnership with Cresco Labs held a Illinois cannabis transporters workshop where many attendees were able to obtain information to get their cannabis transportation businesses off the… Continue reading Transportation Workshop presented by ACC of Illinois in partnership with Cresco

Consumption Lounge Panel Presented By IGTM Education in partnership with Cresco Labs

Cannabis has been a hot topic in the state of Illinois with the delay in the issuance of licenses to social equity applicants. With many of the licenses set to… Continue reading Consumption Lounge Panel Presented By IGTM Education in partnership with Cresco Labs

4/20 done a new way in Illinois

IGTM Education is proud of planning, coordinating, and hosting an event with Cresco Labs and ACC Of Illinois. This year while planning the event many people were asking about where… Continue reading 4/20 done a new way in Illinois