
The Complex World of Commercial Cannabis Edible Production

Producing cannabis edibles production means cannabis compliance and food production regulations and oversight. In a matter of decades, cannabis edibles transformed from a countertop hobby into a multibillion-dollar industry. With… Continue reading The Complex World of Commercial Cannabis Edible Production

A Leap Forward in Cannabinoid Extraction with Ultrasonic Techniques

Ultrasonic extraction is the next leap forward in cannabinoid extraction techniques. Due to the continually moving goal post of cannabis law, the medicinal cannabis industry is experiencing an explosion of… Continue reading A Leap Forward in Cannabinoid Extraction with Ultrasonic Techniques

Social Media and the Cannabis Industry: Tips and Lessons Learned

Ball Family Farms shares what it is doing differently after having its Instagram page shut down, while marketing agency Cannabis Creative Group outlines social media best practices for the industry.… Continue reading Social Media and the Cannabis Industry: Tips and Lessons Learned